Are you stuck in a specific Affinity Photo project? Or do you have specific photo editing goals you struggle to achieve?

I am here to help YOU! 🚀

Affinity Photo can be very tricky to learn. Especially when nobody's there to help you on your specific projects. I know, because I have been there myself. Over the years I struggled figuring out everything myself, wasting hour after hour while making tons of mistakes...

Now, years later I can say I know Affinity Photo like my back pocket, and want to guide you through your own projects by sharing all the Affinity knowledge and skills I have learned so together we can achieve your goals!

Need my help? Hop on a FREE 15-min call with me


Hey there - I AM RENS(I)

If you struggled with Affinity Photo you have probably seen me on YouTube @IAMRENSI where I help photographers, photo editors, and enthusiasts master photo editing in Affinity Photo by providing valuable and creative tutorials.

Over the past 3+ years I have helped 1,000s of Affinity Photo users achieve their goals and overcome their creative challenges through my tutorials and courses.

And I am excited to assist you on your creative journey! Book your free 15-min intro call and let's get started!


Affinity Photo is a powerful tool, but mastering it can be a journey. With my personalized coaching, you:

  • Achieve Goals Fast: Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine advanced techniques, my coaching is designed to help you succeed.
  • Tailored Guidance: Your coaching sessions are customized to your unique goals and challenges.
  • Efficient Learning: Skip the trial-and-error phase and accelerate your skills with expert guidance.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Receive immediate feedback and solutions during our interactive sessions.
  • Honest Support: Enjoy ongoing support and motivation as you progress on your creative journey.